Dental Studio

Dr. Willoughby has just recently moved to his brand new, state of the art Bayview Dental Studio in South Surrey where his practice is limited to the diagnosis and treatment of Cranio-Mandibular Dysfunction “CMD”.

When jaw joint muscle and related head and neck problems are associated with a bad bite (malocclusion) Neuromuscular Dentists refer to this as CMD.

Do you suffer from:

  • Chronic daily headaches
  • Chronic head and neck pain
  • migraines
  • clicking and popping jaw joint sounds
  • limited opening
  • deviations on opening
  • neck or shoulder pain
  • worn or missing teeth
  • tired sore jaw muscles
  • tingling in the thumb and fore fingers
  • ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
  • itchy, plugged ears
  • dizziness (vertigo)
  • speech and problems swallowing

If you suffer from one or more of these symptoms you may have an un-diagnosed condition called Cranio-Mandibular Dysfunction or “CMD”.

Many dental patients suffer unnecessarily from these symptoms and what they call “TMJ” which in fact is a description of the jaw joint not the disease.

Relief is just a call away…using state of the art jaw tracking technology CMD can be successfully treated!

If you are tired of living with chronic head and neck pain… Call our office today to book a consultation with a Dentist experienced in treating CMD.

Call (604) 541-1800 for an appointment!